Teller's Lawrence Livermore Paper
Climate Engineering Responses (many authors)
Tellers paper is 21 pages. The other one, by the NOVIM group, is 66 pages. Some of the equations make my eyes glaze over. My education on this subject ended after Chemistry 1A. But a non-nerd can skim through the material and pick up some useful background.
As I read through it I started to wonder at first whether my profound skepticism on this subject was misplaced. Both papers indicate that placing the amount of aerosols in the atmosphere needed to reduce the solar radiation by an amount sufficient to cancel the impact of increased greenhouse gases is feasible. Both papers indicate that aluminum particles are most likely to be the most practical material to use, although mother nature does it with sulfur dioxide in volcanic eruptions. Aha! --What if they really are doing it already.
However, both papers indicate that the knowledge of how to do it is not really there yet. It is not determined how to keep the particles scattered so that the reflect sunlight effectively and do not agglutinate into large particles that quickly fall to earth. Also, the elevation needed to do this effectively is 60,000 to 95,000 feet, far higher than the 30,000 feet that is the typical ceiling for most commercial and military flights.
And footnote 31 of Teller's paper was reassuring:
"Worth noting is the fact that the annual tonnages of either sulfur or aluminum oxides presently proposed for stratospheric deployment are tiny compared to the quantities of these materials which are either naturally lofted into the atmosphere (e.g. by dust storms) or are already injected by human activities (e.g. fossil fuel burning of all types.)"This tends to confirm what I have always suspected, that the high levels of aluminum reported in some water samples, if not caused by contamination of samples, are most likely attributable to the hundreds of ways that we use aluminum in our civilization or to naturally high levels of aluminum in some soil types.
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